Remember Who You Are!

I Am Who I Am Because of Who I Am in Me!

Hello! My name is Maria C Batino, the author of the book, “Remember who you are! I am, who I am because of who I am, in me! Christ in me is my hope of glory! The genre of this book is non-fiction because it is based solely on the truth of God’s Word.

This book is about discovering our true identity which is hidden in the pages of God’s Word, the Truth. And the truth is that we awere all created by the Word of God , who was God. Therefore, everything we need and everything we need to know about ourselves are found only in our Createor’s Manual, the Bible.

Our life on earth is a journey of self-discovery. But in order to discover our true identity, we must first seek the one who created us all. For in him, we live, move and have our being!

There is a divine mystery and God wants everyone to know it. And this is the mystery: Christ in us is our hope of glory!